Marita Valdizan Opening Reception
Join us for the exhibit of featured artist Marita Valdizan!

Patty Donahue Opening Reception
Join us on the opening reception for this month’s featured artist Patty Donahue! Please keep in mind, this exhibit is on a Thursday, due to 4th of July.

Maria Ananieva Opening Reception
Join us for this month’s featured artist Maria Ananieva’s exhibit!

Oksana Hrynenko Opening Reception
Join us for this month’s artist Oksana Hrynenko’s opening reception!

Artoberfest - Fall into Art
Join us for this month’s opening reception, featuring FALL themed artwork!

Rita Skarha & Friends | Glass
Join us for this month’s opening reception featuring Rita Skahra & Friends’ glass creations!
Frosty Fest - Small Gifts of Art Show
Join us for our annual winter theme group show, where you can pick out your Christmas gifts!

Art Class Exhibit
Join us for our first Art Class exhibit! We will be featuring works from our classes that we have done so far, students & teachers collectively. Come in to see what they have done, as well as see our upcoming classes.